Monday, February 28, 2011

Apple Cinnamon Instant Oatmeal Cookies

This is a great way to use up those instant oatmeal packets you may have stashed away in your cupboard! These cookies are crispy on the outside, super chewy on the inside, and have a delicious apple cinnamon flavour. You can also use this recipe as a base to experiment with other flavours of instant oatmeal - the possibilities are endless!


1 cup flour
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/2 tsp. cinnamon
1/4 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 Tbsp. milk
1 egg
6 apple cinnamon flavoured instant oatmeal packets


Preheat oven to 350 degrees F and line cookie sheets with parchment paper. In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and cinnamon. Stir in the instant oatmeal packets.

In a separate bowl cream together the white sugar, brown sugar, and butter/margarine with an electric mixer. Add in the egg and milk. Gradually mix in the dry ingredients until combined.

Roll the dough into balls and place onto the prepared cookie sheets. Moisten your hands with water and gently press down on the balls of dough to slightly flatten them.

Bake for 10-12 minutes, or until the cookies are lightly browned. Allow to cool on cookie sheets for 2-3 minutes before transferring to a wire rack to cool completely.

*Recipe by Brooke McMillan


  1. I just made these and they were great! I loved them the only thing I did different was I didn't use parchment paper and I added some nutmeg and cloves thanks for the recipe :)

  2. I made these cookies today. I thought they were easy to make and they were good. I will make them again, but I will add extra sugar next time.

  3. Oh my gosh, I made these with peach instant oatmeal (since no one in our house ever eats the peach oatmeal when we buy the variety box) instead of apple cinnamon and they were absolutely delicious! My family gobbled them up, and then I took them to school and everyone was raving about them. This recipe is fantastic! Thank you so much! :D

    1. Thanks for the feedback and you're welcome Karina! I am so glad that you and your taste testers liked them :D. I have made them using the peach oatmeal with some white chocolate chips added in before too and I agree they are soo delicious! It's one of my favourite oatmeal cookie recipes and no one believes that the secret is those little instant packets haha.

    2. Thanks for the tip re peach variety as I love the peach oatmeal. Will be trying them one day. Jan B.

  4. I always have the apple cinnamon left as it is my least favorite... so I'll use them to make these and add chopped walnuts. sounds yummy, thanks Brooke

    1. You're welcome! Walnuts sound like a delicious addition :)

  5. Just made these and they are amazing! I let them cool completely then made ice cream sandwiches with vanilla ice cream....mmm! Thank you for recipe!

  6. Made these... used the sugar free instant packages.... GREAT !!! Does NOT need extra sugar at all !!! Very good !!!

    1. So glad to hear they turned out great for you! Enjoy :)

  7. This recipe is easy and fabulous!

  8. My last batch just came out of the oven and already I have sampled 4. These are delicious. I wasn't sure about making them as a box of 10 packets is now $14.39 where I live but I am glad I decided to be extravagant. Just wondering if I can freeze 1/2 of the dough and bake as needed?
    Thank you for a great recipe.

    1. That's wonderful to hear. So glad you liked them :). You can definitely freeze the cookie dough and bake it as needed. I would recommend portioning it into the individual balls of dough and freezing them that way just so it's easier to put them on a cookie sheet and bake right out of the freezer. If you bake them from frozen dough then I would add an extra minute or two onto the baking time. Enjoy!

  9. Making these with caramel pieces! Let you know how they are!

  10. I added dried cranberries and walnuts. They were absolutely amazing!!! Thank you!

  11. I literally just gobbled one right out of the oven! I love it SO much, I had to review it. I still have some leftover oatmeal packets in the pantry and I cannot wait to mame some more. Thank you! It tastes heavenly with plump raisins and a dash of vanilla

    1. So glad to hear that you enjoyed them! Thanks for taking the time to comment and let me know. They are definitely addictive :)

  12. Sorry for the typo, I meant eliminated both sugars

  13. These are the best cookies. I always come back to this recipe. Love the peach flavor, trying strawberry today.

  14. How many cookies does one batch make

  15. Made these last night, and my bf and I have eaten them all up already! I was surprised at how good they were. I used apple cinnamon pks, added 1/2 tsp more cinnamon and didn't use parchment. They were chewy in the middle and just crisp outer, perfect quick snack!

  16. How much does each packet weigh? I'm using a brand of instant oatmeal that comes in larger cups and would like to have an accurate measurement. Thanks!

  17. I just made these and added dried cranberries, chopped almonds and one small chopped fine apple (sautéd in 1 teaspoon of butter and the teaspoon of cinnamon called for in the recipe. Omgoodness....very good!

  18. Yum! Nice'n easy! A great way to use up those packets of instant oatmeal! I found it too sweet for my taste so will reduce sugar next time. Yielded 28 cookies for me! (I ate 2 while writing this and reaching for more...)

  19. I just bought 30 boxes of pumpkin and gingerbread instant oatmeal boxes on clearance at Wal-Mart and wondered what to do next. I'm baking cookies, it's so cold in Minnesota (below zero, frozen water pipes), it will feel good to use the oven. Yhanks for sharing!!!

  20. I just bought 30 boxes of pumpkin and gingerbread instant oatmeal boxes on clearance at Wal-Mart and wondered what to do next. I'm baking cookies, it's so cold in Minnesota (below zero, frozen water pipes), it will feel good to use the oven. Yhanks for sharing!!!

  21. I just bought 30 boxes of pumpkin and gingerbread instant oatmeal boxes on clearance at Wal-Mart and wondered what to do next. I'm baking cookies, it's so cold in Minnesota (below zero, frozen water pipes), it will feel good to use the oven. Yhanks for sharing!!!

  22. They were on clearance for 50 cents per box of 8. =))

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  28. Made these today instead of using apple cinnamon packs I used the brown sugar packs and they came out great my daughter loves them thanks for the recipe

  29. I added some dried cranberries... OMG. I'll be making these again soon

  30. can i use plain oatmeal packets and add chocolate chips???

  31. I just found and made this morning. Absolutely the easiest and best cookie I have ever made. A little crunch on outside and warm and chewy on inside. Thanks for sharing.

  32. These were fantastic. Added finely chopped walnuts and drizzled them (when cooled) with caramel and cream cheese icing (the kind you get w/ cinnamon rolls). Heavenly! Thank you.

  33. I'm making these now and my kitchen smells so good! I also added a 1/4 cup of chopped pecans and a 1/4 cup of mini chocolate chips. Mmmm so tasty!

  34. I made these for the residents I work for and they just loved them
    Peach oatmeal cookies sounds fantastic

  35. These are great. I used coconut milk instead of cows milk and They turned out amazing!
